The industry leader in base metals

Aluminum recycling

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Characteristics of aluminum

Aluminum is lighter than iron and copper, at about one third the weight, and products made of aluminum create many benefits thanks to the lightness of aluminum.
The relative strength of aluminum (strength by unit weight) is high, and this characteristic of aluminum is applied in materials for manufacturing.
Superior resistance to rust
Because an oxide film is naturally formed through the passage of time, aluminum, like iron, does not rust.
Superior processability
Because aluminum is ductile and malleable, easy deformation processing is a characteristic of aluminum.
Easy to cast
Because of its low melting point and good fluidity, aluminum can be molded into various shapes.
Easy to recycle
Compared to other metals, scraps are extremely easy to recycle, and they can easily contribute to a society that recycles and can effectively use resources.
  • Examples of aluminum productsExamples of aluminum products
  • Aluminum meltAluminum melt

In addition to the benefits stated above, aluminum also has various characteristics including: not becoming magnetized, being a good conductor of electricity and heat, being resistant to low temperatures, reflection of light and heat, being aesthetically

Necessity of aluminum recycling

The energy used when manufacturing with aluminum is low. Aluminum manufacturing saves a large amount of energy, only three percent of the energy for producing virgin ingots is required.
Terrestrial resources
Terrestrial resources are stockpiled approximately every seven years without the need to excavate them from the earth, and in Japan, these resources exist as urban mines in various forms such as buildings, trains, and cars.
With recycling, we can use resources forever by advancing the use of recycled materials in order to deal with a reality in which Japan is wholly dependent on the import of virgin ingots and there is only 239 years of minable bauxite (according to governm
Global warming mitigation measures
The necessity for global warming mitigation measures have expanded with the reduction of the emission of carbon dioxide that causes global warming.
  • Engines

In an age where the 21st century develops towards the goal of "continuation and harmony" from the "development and growth" of the 20th century, there is a large potential for metals that help the conservation of the global environment and co-exist with hu

Load reduction and cost reduction through recycling

Load reduction and cost reduction through recycling

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